Three Temporary Solutions for Gearbox Oil Leak for First Time Car Owners
Posted on: 11 July 2016
When it comes to car engines, oil leakage from the gearbox can be a nightmare to motorists and new car owners. Oil leakage from your car can land you in trouble with local authorities. Synthetic oils are often costly; thus, leakage is akin to throwing your hard-earned dollars down the drain. The only real way of troubleshooting the leakage is to have professionals take down the engine for repair. However, before doing so, you can temporarily stop the spill before seeing a mechanic. Here are some temporary measures new car owners can adopt to stop oil leaks.
Tightening Oil Pan and Filters – Use tools like a ratchet or spanner to tighten all the bolts and nuts reinforcing the oil pan. When a car breaks down, first time car owners end up stranded in the middle of nowhere, waiting for a mechanic to arrive. If you have basic knowledge of how the engine works, simply try to tighten oil filters that may be loose or damaged. The car filters may be loose because of driving on bumpy and rough terrain over extended periods of time without regular checkups. This effortless approach may be your first measure when troubleshooting an oil leak. Also, remember to tighten these components every time you check your engine oil level to prevent oil leakage in the first place.
Additives and Seal Enhancers – If the leakage is small, you can use an oil additive to slow down and eventually stop the leak. Most additives can last for years based on the level of wear and age of your car. Seal enhancers are synthetic pastes and fluids that enable seals to swell. The enhancers condition and soften aging gaskets, making them swell and stopping subsequent leakage. Additives also form deposits that seal the area of leakage. This temporary solution gives you to time to replace gaskets and seals or seek the expertise of a mechanic.
Filling Car Gearbox with Grease – When the oil leak stems from the gearbox, you can fill it with grease to slow down the flow of oil. However, you run the risk of overheating your engine because grease is a poor dissipater of heat. Motorists should only use grease in a very short window before calling a mechanic. Ensure that after introducing grease, additives or seal enhancers into the oil, the gearbox should be flushed and seals replaced to avoid cross-compatibility risk. If these simple solutions stop your oil leak problem, you should rest easy, but make sure you see a mechanic as soon as possible. Call your mechanic immediately when the problem persists because it may cause severe engine damage and increase repair costs.